Tag Archives: commons

Peer to Peer The Commons Manifesto

Michel Bauwens Vasilis Kostakis Alex Pazaitis

Free download here.

Not since Marx identified the manufacturing plants of Manchester as the blueprint for the new capitalist society has there been a more profound transformation of the fundamentals of our social life. As capitalism faces a series of structural crises, a new social, political and economic dynamic is emerging: peer to peer.

What is peer to peer? Why is it essential for building a commons-centric future? How could this happen? These are the questions this book tries to answer. Peer to peer is a type of social relations in human networks, as well as a technological infrastructure that makes the generalization and scaling up of such relations possible. Thus, peer to peer enables a new mode of production and creates the potential for a transition to a commons-oriented economy.

CCCF 2018 Open Call – Ανοιχτο Καλεσμα

Το Creating Commons Cinematography Festival απευθύνει ανοιχτό κάλεσμα σε δημιουργούς ή συλλογικότητες που εμπνέονται από τα Κοινά και ασχολούνται με την παραγωγή οπτικοακουστικών έργων, με σκοπό να διαμορφώσει το πρόγραμμα των προβολών, των εργαστηρίων και του συνόλου των εκδηλώσεων που θα πραγματοποιηθούν το τριήμερο 5, 6 και 7 Οκτωβρίου του 2018 στην Αθήνα.

Ολόκληρο το κείμενο του καλέσματος εδώ.

Creating Commons Cinematography Festival makes an open call to creators or collectives who are inspired by the Commons and are involved in audiovisual projects production, in order to shape the program of screenings, workshops and the whole set of events that will take place at the 5th, 6th and 7th day of October in Athens.

Read the call here.

Two days at the other side of Mount Olympos (day 1)


with Achilleas Vaitsis, by Panayotis Antoniadis

On January 15-17th, members of the MAZI project will be among others at the Sarantaporo area for a 3-day symposium hosted by the team of Sarantaporo.gr. We will visit different villages in the area that are part of the network, including the “headquarters” at Sarantaporo, and will discuss with locals about the present and the future of this remarkable effort on network commoning.

To get a first impression of the network and better organize the symposium, I spent recently two days in the area with Achilleas Vaitsis, co-founder of Sarantaporo.gr, and I feel like documenting this experience hoping to generate some reflections that will help the discussions during the symposium.

I admit that even if I have read a lot about this project, I hadn’t really placed it on the map1 before the recent successful crowd-funding campaign on the production of a related documentary by Personal Cinema. I was surprised to realize that the 14 villages offered Internet access today solely by the Sarantaporo.gr network are not in a especially remote area in Greece, but next to the Olympos mountain, half-way between Larissa and Thessaloniki (two of the biggest Greek cities).   Read more.